Founded by the son of a Parisian aristocrat, Albert Fouquet initially blended his fragrances just for friends however one evening whilst on his vacation in the French Riviera he met a young American student who was travelling the world, none other than a young John F Kennedy. Not only was JFK charmed by Albert he was also captivated by his fragrance.
The following day, Albert left a bottle of his scent at the student’s hotel with a note "In this bottle, you will find the dash of French glamour that your American personality lacks." Despite this backhanded compliment, on his return to America JFK ordered a further eight more samples with a side note request of ‘and if your production allows, another one for Bob.' Albert duly filled some beautiful Parisian glass bottles and packaged them up with the label ‘Eight & Bob', concealing them inside of hollowed books to prevent them from being seized by the Nazis. From then on the journey of Eight & Bob began, requests came in from Hollywood greats such as Cary Grant and James Stewart who wanted this fragrance for themselves. Today this beguiling fragrance collection continues to capture the attention of fine fragrance lovers around the world.